Advice Needed

Hi, all, MomKatt here.

I need some advice.  I'm hoping this is just a reaction to (A) the kittens and the adjustment period and (B) also adjusting to Boudicca being upstairs all the time now but ... poor Selina.  I don't SEE her doing the licking but it's the only thing I can put it down to.

The fur on a lot of her tummy and the insides of her legs is VERY thin, and has been for a couple of months now, like with Ray late last summer/early last fall.  Behaviorally speaking, she's acting like her normal self;  eating, drinking, peeing, pooping, level of activity sky-high (again, the kittens help with that, I think, because they chase each other and when I play "teaser" with Rachel, Selina & Ray are both right there, participating - and Boudicca, too, who really needs the activity 'cause she's still slightly a butterball, but Selina can be none too pleased about her presence, though she HAS mellowed out - A LITTLE).

I was thinking of taking her in for a check to our wonderful vet, Dr. Lofgren, but I know in Ray's case, he was on the Composure calming treats, which worked beautifully, but it still took awhile before all HIS fur had grown back in to what I'd consider a "normal" appearance.

Does this just take awhile or ... could there be some other underlying cause besides stress-licking ... or just "stress" in general?  (Like with certain people, stress causing them to lose their own hair?)

Any thoughts anyone has, or if anyone's had experience with this, I'd welcome your counsel.  Thank you - and Selina thanks you too!  I just am so worried because I want my One-Eyed Thang to be as happy as she CAN be.

MomKatt Laura       


  1. our Mo is black and mom notices it sometimes on him too. has she maybe gotten into something that makes her itchy? any change in food or treats?

    1. No, not really. They are ALL on PetSmart's "Authority" kibble now, and Fancy Feast once a day ...

    2. Sometimes allergies show up where they never were before, so it still could be a food allergy..

  2. It always pays to rule out the medical first and then tackle the stress. She might miss you when you are gone and get stressed then since you don't really see her licking.

    1. Maybe so. And it won't hurt to take her to Dr. L anyway.

    2. and if it is stress, it can lead to something medical too.. it can be a vicious cycle

  3. In ye olden days when my ape was younger, vets would treat this sort of alopecia with a very short course of oestrogen. It worked a treat for several female cats that did this licking thingie. It used to be called Oestrogenic Alopecia, but this was probably before apes knew that cats licked their fur off when they are stressed. Might be worth asking your vet about this.

    Feliway diffusers, Feliway spray at cat head height on doors, windows, furniture. There's a supplement called Zylkene which contains Casein which although adult cats can't digest it as adults, it has (in theory) a calming effect.

    Good luck Selina!

    Mungo xx

  4. selina....if yur mom haz knot changed soap N stuff like that for washing yur bed; blankits; N itz knot food ree lated, ore may bee ya iz allergic ta a certin kinda cloth...

    az stoooopid az thiz sounds....

    everee yeer like clock werk when de seesonz change; eye lick me belly raw....sum timez me leg....everee summer...

    then az soon az de furst frost hits....just like that......eye quit......been doin this for 13 yeerz with out fail.....

    eye noe this iz knot helpin, but may bee itz seesonal ??? ♥ boomer

  5. The only time my Star licks her fur out is when she has her seasonal itchies. Usually it goes with when the air conditioners come on or when the heaters come on. Something that has helped her a lot is coconut oil. I put it on the spots when they are scabby, but that tends to make her lick there more, so mostly we just feed it to her, a quarter teaspoon a day, and it helps her a lot. No itchies.
    I have no idea if that's anything like what Selina is going through though..
    Good luck, we hope it clears up fast!

  6. It could be an allergy...something in the environment. Ernie has seasonal allergies. Or it might be behavioral. Whatever it is, we sure hope it clears us.

  7. Our Mommy's first kitteh went through this when the human sis was born. It happened about 6-8 months after the human sis was born and Mommy never saw the kitteh actually do it, but she knew she had. The vet advised to wait it out, because there was no skin irritation. Sure enough it slowly got better.

    This might not work for you, but we think it just goes to show that sometimes it takes a while for stress to show up.

    We hope you get it all figured out soon. Until then, we'll send some purrs of comfort for you and Mom.

  8. This is not a problem we have faced (yet) so we can't be much help, but we would probably check it out with the vet.

    The Chans

  9. Selina has gone through quite a few changes in the last year or so. She had to leave her old home and come and live with you (which she seemed to handle well). She may be missing the company now as Boudicca is now living upstairs with you. Has her food been changed if not and she's enjoying the play time with Rachel and Ray it could be a seasonal thing so the vet could perhaps give her something to ease the itches or just calm her down.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  10. She may have ringworm or something similar. Our eldest boy bean had a bald patch on his head because he had ring worm when he was 5 or 6 years old. So it may not be stress related. I would take her to the vet just to make sure.

  11. I never make comments a vet should make but Mungo usually has good advice.

  12. I am waiting to hear. I love her and only want her well and happy. xxxx

    1. Awwww ... Katie, thank you! That's so sweet MomKatt & I kinda teared up there a little. :) She will be sure to report back to you after tomorrow's vet visit. Love you sweetie!


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