Mystery Butt!

These "mystery butts" keep showing up in my sink a lot lately .... see if you can guess who belongs to this one!

If you guess correctly, you don't win anything in a material sense.  And you don't win a cat butt either, like you'd "win" a date on "Mystery Date" - remember that old board game?   

You just receive the satisfaction of knowing that you are able to ID *my* black cats' butts.  I'm not sure what that says about you.  ha ha  If I were better at graphics, I'd "redesign" that box top to make it conform with the theme of this entry.  But ... I'm not.  So unless some talented volunteer steps up to the ... um ... sink ... just use your imaginations!

Hint:  The butt pictured is not Selina's

Happy Friday - and spring's finally HERE! 


  1. MOL! You have too many panthers (well, actually it is technically impossible to have TOO many of them)! I can't even venture a guess!

    1. Sparkle, CK nailed it! It's Mr. Ray-Ray! (A silly name MomKatt gave him. MY silly name is "Selina Monster". I am NOT a monster!)

  2. I’m gonna guess Ray. That looks like a man cat’s foot. MOL!

    1. CK you get the prize! It IS indeed the Little ManKitteh! :) :) See how much he's filled out?!

  3. Got here late, but knew it was Ray :)

  4. We were gonna say Ray too. CK beat us to it!


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