Selina Update

Oh hai!

It's me, Selina.  Thanks for everyone's concern about my vet visit on Saturday.

As many of you suspected and/or hoped, my tummy/inside legs fur loss/thinning seems to be seasonal.  Dr. B checked me out stem to stern and could find nothing wrong with me.  Heart, lungs, etc. all checked out fine.

As you can see, I look great, as always.  He said for MomKatt not to worry, just to keep an eye on things (namely ME!) and he felt sure the fur would soon be growing back.

So that's really good news to start off your week, isn't it?

Hope everyone has a nice Monday!



PS - Now if those brats kittens would just stop photobombing me ...



  1. That is indeed lovely news for a Monday (or any day of the week), Selina!

    The Chans

  2. Aww that is great news Selina,can't have you poorly,xx SPeedy

  3. We're so happy to hear this! Now, just have a great Monday!

  4. Thank goodness you got a good vet report Selina.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. We are so very happy to hear such a good report pretty girl!

  6. That is great news, Selina! I will say, I do get itchier at certain times of the year.

  7. yay fora grate ree port frum de ewe noe whoo purrson selina.... !!


  8. I am glad everything went well at your vet visit Selina.

  9. Sending healing purrz for your furz to grow back. Concats on your team beating the hapless Royals. You gotta drub the bad teams and play .500 against the good teams.

  10. It's good to hear that the vet gave you a clean bill of health, Selina. We can't wait for you to get back to sleek pantherhood in no time at all.

  11. That's good news, Selina. We hope your furs grow back fast.

  12. We're so glad you're okay! XOXO Meaghan and Scarlett

  13. Selina, would you and your furs benefit from some Nutri-Vet Calming Spray? Sure helps ME. xoxoxox

  14. Glad the hair loss wasn't anything serious. Happy Gotcha Day Selina.

  15. I just read about your vet visit, Selina. I'm happy that everything is well. My cats too are shedding like trouts, but that's undoubtedly a spring-thing, as well - though it hardly looks like spring here with the sudden snowfall!

    And happy birthday (April 9th) to your dad!

  16. Happy Gotcha Day, Selina. And Happy Birthday to your DadKatt.

    Glad you are okay.


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