
Showing posts from April, 2014

'Ticia Tuesday!

Meowlo, Selina's peeps!  It's me, Morticia, on 'Ticia Tuesday. MomKatt took this picture of me yesterday evening.  Don't I look regal and proud ?     Yes, I'm now sporting a few white whiskers.  They really stand out, don't they?  I don't mind that I have white whiskers.  I *am* n ine years young, after all.  One expects these things to happen. I am still young, very young, at heart, though I must admit that Ray can really bug me.  MomKatt keeps telling him, "Don't mess with The Boss!" but he doesn't listen to her.  So I ha ve to whap him. BOYS! I hope everyone has a nice Tuesday.  Only three more days 'til Friday! Love Morticia    

I'm Back!

Hi Kittehs and Peepuls!  I have returned! I know you missed me.  I certainly have missed you all.  I must apologize, both for myse lf and my typist.  Things have been VERY busy around here, the re ason for which some of you know.  O ther s who don't will, I'm afraid, just have to wait 'til the ap propriate ti me.  Sorry, I don't mean to be cryptic, but MomKatt has made me PROMISE to not meow a word about this topi c ... unless you want to ask her privately. ANYWHOO ... here I am yesterday, lapping up the sunpu ddles, which were legion over this weekend here in North Carolina. Don't my furs look kinda artistic?  MomKatt said the sunlight "dappled" me!  I didn't care.  I was VERY WARM and cozy. Let's see ... what's been going on here.  We are all fine, the hoomans are just busy and MomKatt's been pinch-hitting a gain at her work until a new person starts work (luc k ily, she start s today (!!!) so that's why I'm hoping th...