'Ticia Tuesday!

Meowlo, Selina's peeps!  It's me, Morticia, on 'Ticia Tuesday.

MomKatt took this picture of me yesterday evening.  Don't I look regal and proud?  

 Yes, I'm now sporting a few white whiskers.  They really stand out, don't they?  I don't mind that I have white whiskers.  I *am* nine years young, after all.  One expects these things to happen.

I am still young, very young, at heart, though I must admit that Ray can really bug me.  MomKatt keeps telling him, "Don't mess with The Boss!" but he doesn't listen to her.  So I have to whap him.


I hope everyone has a nice Tuesday.  Only three more days 'til Friday!




  1. Those whiskers are quite impressive sweet Morticia!

  2. Binga had a couple of white whiskers sprout... but then after having them for some months, they disappeared!

  3. morticia...my stars, you are looking FABulous....and trust me...I sooooooooooo know where you are coming from with the "boys" issue..... hope you have a pawtastic day and get to the shopping mall before it closes ...♥♥ hugs girl from dai$y =^..*=

  4. You look Gorgeous Sweetie,xx Speedy


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