Rachel Update

RACHEL UPDATE: She's out of surgery and doing very well! Dr. B says she reminds him of Ray Charles because she's swaying back & forth a little bit when she tries to walk! I'm to call at 4:30 to make sure that I can take her home today, and she'll be isolated in my office 24-72 hours ... just to make sure the meds wear off and she's OK. Thanks to everyone for the good mojo. Heck, knowing Rachel, she'll be raring to go by first thing tomorrow morning! 

The procedure is called "enucleation" and you can read about it here!


  1. That is terrific news. I'll bet Ray really misses his Sis.

    1. Brian, he was chirping outside the office door this morning. So cute!

  2. It's so good to hear that she did well! They kept Ashton overnight after her enucleation surgery, but Rachel is bigger and stronger than Ashton was.

    Like Brian said, we're sure that Ray and Rachel will be thrilled when they are back together again and Rachel is back to as good as new in no time.... with a pawesome new wink!

    1. Thank you! MomKatt was "vocabularily challenged" and could not think of the term for the procedure!

      Yes, we think she'll be a lot happier now. And she is pretty happy to begin with.

  3. We always read and follow along so glad Rachel is doing well after surgery and will (hopefully) be home today!

  4. We somehow missed that she was having an operation today, but are happy to hear she did well. We're sending lots of healing purrs and purrayers for a quick recovery, too.


  5. YAY!! so wonderful to hear.. purrs for a smooth recovery

  6. St Francis blessings two ewe Rachel fora speedy ree coveree.....we hope ta see ewe on de korner oh "health & good ta go" lanes in noe time..... tell yur momkatt ewe knead sum flounder ♥♥♥

  7. Glad Rachel is doing fine. Purrrrrsss to her and her brother (partner in crime?). We hope they are carousing around the house again in no time.

  8. I haven't done much visiting today so had to go back and read the previous post. I am very glad that Rachel's surgery went well and she is doing well.

  9. We are so happy things went well :) We purr she will come home today so you can take care of her. She is bound to do better at home with her MomKatt :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure, JJ
    and Angels Tiger and Tillie

  10. Wonderful! You sure Ray can’t join her. I bet he really misses her and could benefit from seeing her. Sending more healing purrz.

  11. We're glad to hear Rachel's surgery went well. We hope she heals quickly.

  12. I'm so glad to hear that Rachel came through the surgery so well! I do expect her to be up and about promptly!

  13. hope her recovery keeps going well.....purrs

  14. Woohoo!This is great news,heal up quick Rachel,xx Speedy

  15. Oh, what great news on sweet Rachel! Hugs and nose kisses

  16. Oh Rachel, we didn't know you had to have surgery. We are going to click on the link and go read about it cause we never heard of it. Healing purrs, hopes you feels all better soon.

  17. Oh sweet girl! We hope you are much better by now! How brave you are! Sending healing purrs to you Rachel xox

  18. How is that precious baby girl? ALL my love and purrs.


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