Thursday Throwback with Selina

Meowlo peeps!  Throwin' back this Thursday to some shots of beautiful, wonderful MOI when I first came to North Carolina and was reducing MomKatt to a puddle of water at my paws.  

Back then, she called me "Wiggly" because I wiggled so much - on the floor, on chairs, in her arms.  I just LOVED to wiggle!  Don't do it so much now - I prefer bunny-kicking FrankenKatt (who keeps becoming headless - MomKatt thinks I'm auditioning to be a guillotine operator!)

Anyway, please enjoy these pics of little 'ole brand new MOI in my new, wunnerful home!

Ooo!  A feather AND a nice fleece bed!

I dunno what that blur there is ...

My beautiful profile!

I need to investigate that corner over there ... 

Wait a minute - hold on there!  Get out!  This is MY Thursday Throwback!  You can't be here - get out!

Rachel, this time last year before Gary realized they were already home!

Mr. Man Ray gets comfy for our photographer, Mr. Falcon, when MomKatt knew all along those two weren't going ANYWHERE!

Damn kittens ...!!

But I have to admit - this time last year, those two trouble-makers didn't look as beautiful as they do now!  And May Ray is like a different cat.

Now if we could just wind Princess Rachel down a little ... never mind, I'll chase the stuffin' out of her later.  Problem is, I can't seem to wear her little butt out!

Well, anyway ... purrs ya'll!  



  1. hehehe you will given time Selina,xx Speedy

  2. Oh Selina...I doubt that little butt will ever get worn out! xxxoo

  3. You are all cute! Don't worry, Selina, Rachel will calm down in time... give her a year or 10.

  4. Hi Selina! Those are really great pictures of you :)

  5. selina....rachel told ray her plans on calmin down in 2018... now ewe can make plans !!!

  6. You are always such the cutie Selina and I think Rachael might be a little bit related to the Energizer Bunny!

  7. You were always gorgeous. Is there some reason your Mom didn’t take photos from the other side? You’re pretty on that side too.

  8. Those are great pictures of you, Selina. And Ray and Rachel look great too. Keep chasing Rachel...she's gotta give in sometime. :)

  9. SQUEEE! It looks like you're smiling in your baby pics, sweet Selina. You probably realized you had just scored a great furever home.

  10. You've got your work cut out, Selena, but I reckon you're up to the task, baby!! ;)

  11. So much can happen in a year but all stages are beautiful in their own way.


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