For Everyone's Information ...

Regarding Rachel getting the feline leukemia shot at the vet's the other week, I did NOT ask for it to be administered:  I asked only for the distemper shot for which she was due.  NONE of my cats get the feline leukemia shot, nor does my vet recommend it for us, BECAUSE they are all indoor-only.  I firmly believe in getting as few shots as possible for my babies (and so do Dr. B and Dr. L), and only have the ones necessary (distemper, rabies) administered to them when they are due.

This was a miscommunication.  This is the first "well kitty" exam Rachel's had since she was still considered a "foster kitten" last Aug., and the vet's staff was going by the copy of the shelter record that they had, when the shelter staff had indeed (and rightly so, since at that time she HAD been an outdoor kitty in that colony she was in) given her the feline leukemia shot.  It was totally a mistake on their part, for which they've both apologized and refunded me the charge for it.

Once again, I DO NOT advocate this shot for indoor-only kitties, and DID not "allow them to give it to her".



  1. We understand. The head peep would hit the roof if the vet gave us a FeLV shot, but they have brought the prepared syringes into the room several times over the years. It's a routine thing for them, and it's very easy for mistakes like that to be made.

  2. Yes, oops happen and hopefully they will learn!

  3. Aw man, I hate when mistakes like that happen.

  4. Our mom feels the same way. We only get those shots that are necessary.

  5. Precious baby! I totally agree with your reason and rationale. That was a severe mistake. Shame on them.

  6. Having lost two young indoor-only kitties from a supposedly reputable breeder to FeLV, we all get the shots because #1 simply cannot contemplate ever having to deal with that again.

    The Chans

  7. Love and huggles from me and mom. That was very hard on you both. xoxoxox

  8. OMC!!! I am sooooooooooo sorry to have missed out on precious Rachel not feeling well. I have no idea if The Kid Sage and I ever get that shot...we are, of course, indoor only girls. Mom and Dad trust our cat specialist vet and assume she does what's best. We don't believe we get that injection. But nonetheless...we do know that Mom Kat takes the absolute BEST CARE ever of all of you...sending you our very best warm paw hugs...*tosses in a paw kiss for good measure*

  9. Glad Rachel is feeling better. Healing and comforting purrs for everyone in your family and you will be in our thoughts. ~ATCAD

    Your post is a prime example of why it is so important to double check with the vet about the shots that are being given as it is so easy for them to accidentally give what they consider a routine shot. Socks almost got a shot he shouldn't have. Luckily I questioned it in time and he wasn't given the shot, but it almost slipped by both me and the vet. ~Alasandra

  10. We are coming by rather late so hope all is back to normal. Dad decided last year to stop our shots except the rabies which is mandatory in Pennsylvania. We are still going to purr for Rachael as here and Ray still need forever homes
    Much support from us all
    Timmy and Family

  11. I read on brian's blog about the accident. we are sending love and good thoughts

  12. We just left Brian's blog. We are not on FB and didn't know about the accident. We are so sorry and we hope that Gary is healing and is going to be okay. Glad to know that he is now at home. Sending healing hugs and purrs!

  13. We just read about DadKatt Gary's accident on Brian's blog. How terrible that car looked. We want you to know that Mom will be praying and we will purring until he is one hundred purrcent well. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  14. Laura
    I am very sorry to hear about Gary; I hope he is well on his way to recovery. You both will be in my prayers.XXXXXXX Laura

  15. Dear Ms. and I came from Brian's blog after reading about your sweet husbands horrible car accident. We want to send him our very very best healing hugs to and purrs to you and the kitties for being such good caregivers.
    HUgs madi and mom

  16. Laura, I had no idea about your husband until I read Brian's blog, and I am so sorry he and all of you have been going through this. Thank God he is home and I hope healing well. You will both be in my prayers for certain , starting as soon as I hit send here. xo

  17. We too just came from Brian's blog and read about the terrible accident DadKatt was in. We are joining with so many others in prayer for a complete recovery. We are so glad he is well and strong enough to be home and we hope he feels better very soon.

  18. I too was sorry to hear about DadKatt. I hope everything heals quickly and you are back to normal soon

  19. We did now know that DadKatt Gary was in an accident. We know how scary they can be as our Dad was made handicapped by a motorcycle accident. We all send our prayers and purrs of support and healing
    Timmy Dad and Family

  20. I came from Brians when I heard about the crash. I send healing hugs and hope all will be well soon.

  21. I also have come from Brian's and didn't know about the accident. Me and mum send purrs and good wishes for a good recovery for your dad.

  22. Coming from Brian's also to lend our support and purrs and positive healing karma for DadKatt.
    Marty and Mom

  23. We just came over from Brian's once we heard about DadKatt. Sending you all hugs and purrs... and wishing DadKatt a speedy recovery.
    Glogirly, Katie & Waffles


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