Rachel Update

Well, here I am, peeps!  

Though this is a slightly old photo of me (on the right) and Ray, it's just to tell you I'm doing better today & thank you all for your purrs & good thoughts.  MomKatt & I played "stick" last night, and I ate all my gooshy fud both last night and this morning.  MomKatt said she was SO glad that I was once more following her around the countertop in the kitchen while she fixed all our food, prepped Oliver's breakfast and then toasted her own (a bagel - Ray gets a little plate of three spots of melted butter.  Can you believe it?  Who's the REAL spoiled one around here???)

Anyway, MomKatt told me she missed me SO much while I was upstairs hiding the night before.  I was still a BIT quiet this morning, but I WAS meowing some.  I didn't show my normal energy level playing "stick" after breakfast (and I WISH my brofur, Ray, would QUIT trying to whap me with that left hook of his!  MomKatt's afraid he's going to put a claw in my eye one day!  BOYS!) but I was better, so in the next couple of days, MomKatt hopes I'm 150% back to my normal, adorable, Princess Self.

So ya'll have a good weekend.  I'm going over here to soak up some Mom-Luv.  Maybe I'll bat the stick a little bit, too.

See ya!

Princess Rachel a/k/a Nose Problem


  1. we are glad you are feeling better Rachel and hope you are back to 150% very soon :)

  2. That is such great news sweet Princess!

  3. YAY !!! glad ya iz feelin better rachel N try ta feel 310 % better....just coz !!!

    heerz two a grate week oh end with de hopes plentee of smelt & salmon iz on yur plates ♥

  4. We're glad you're feeling better, Rachel.

  5. I am so glad to hear you're feeling better, Rachel! Paws up!

  6. We're very glad yo hear that you're returning to your usual energetic self, Rachel, and hope you will indeed be 150% in no time!

  7. You can do it, little one. Be well!

  8. So glad that you are doing better! Such a sweet photo.

    For those reading this, check out my cat blog for archived stories about the abandoned/feral cat colony I manage.


  9. it is always so joyous to see cats eating.. especially after they haven't eaten for a while..


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