My Forthright Stare

Hi Peeps!

Thanks for reading the last two VERY long posts.  Here is a shorter one, featuring Yours Truly.

I thought you'd like to see me lately.  I'm still sleek and gorgeous and I'm now the Permanent Lap Cat of MomKatt.  Every night when she's eating dinner (they eat sitting on the sofa watching PBS), I jump up on the coffee table and walk over to her and wait for her to pat her lap and say, "C'mon Selina!"  Then I get in and curl around and around, lay down and sleep with my head tilted so that my muzzle is facing upward. The pawrents wonder how I can sleep that way, but we kittehs have more flexible bones than they do!

Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday.

Selina the Sleek

PS - DadKatt continues to heal slowly.  Again, we SO appreciate everyone's purrs and good thoughts for him!


  1. You are longing mighty fine sweet Selina!

  2. My human has never had a lap cat! But that is her own fault, since she is a lousy lap human. It is hard pinning her down while she is working at her computer - the only place she sits for more than a few moments.

    I'm glad your male human is getting better! The power of the purr is strong!

  3. Selina, we like that you are a lap cat and that your Mom offers hers to you :)
    It is a special time.
    We are happy to hear your Dad is getting better and we send purrs
    his progress goes a bit faster ;)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  4. You look good, Selina! The head peep so rarely watches TV that we don't get much lap time like that, but we take all we can get.

  5. You're looking good, Selina! And we're glad your DadKatt is doing better. :)

  6. We know your MomKatt just loves for you to curl up on her lap. We are purring for you DadKatt to get better soon!


  7. Hey Selena, I've missed you too! You're looking good :) And we are so glad DadKatt is so much better :) xx

  8. we may miss you, but we totally understand and will hope you will be back to your routine soon


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