CARter 54 Where Are You? - Part Two

Meowlo peeps!

Well here I am with Sasha, continuing my catch-up post from yesterday.  No car wrecks here, I promise!  Actually, I think Sasha & I are gonna sack out here on the couch and I'll allow the typist to bore you with tell you all about the new business venture she's attempting.  (Some on Facebook will probably stop reading here 'cause they've heard enough about it.  MOL  You can do that.  You have my permission.)

So take it away ZZZZZZZ ....


Boy she falls asleep fast!

Hi all.  Now that you've had all the gruesome details about Gary's wreck and subsequent recovery, I can say today that he improves a little bit each day.  Today his bruising all over his left side is no longer a blackish-purple; it's faded to a semi-angry redAlso he can lift his left arm enough to put deodorant on!  (To the relief of many.  HA HA)  At least he can feed himself while fending off Ray and Rachel.  If he'd been unable to do THAT, there would've been a crapload of trouble at our house.

As for me, I am now a Merchandiser for Chloe + Isabel!  I started Aug. 6.  (Here's the part where a lot of you tip on out the door 'cause you are, as Selina said, sick of this already!)  Chloe + Isabel is a line of fashion-forward jewelry designed in New York City and sold directly through its Merchandisers.  Like most people - well, all actually - that I've talked to or sold to, you've probably never heard of C+I.  I hadn't either until Summer of 2013, when I purchased a few pieces from another Merchandiser (who now is my Merchandise Manager!).  I loved the pieces and they were of such great quality that I was very impressed.  She & I lost touch, but we re-met this summer and she sent me an invitation to become a Merchandiser.  No pressure, just if I wanted to, she thought I would be a good one.

I thought long and hard.  I'd already been in direct sales with both Silpada jewelry and Lia Sophia jewelry.  LS was the worst experience because the jewelry was cheaply made.  Silpada was all sterling silver, but I couldn't ask someone to buy a $300 silver bracelet when the prices were so high.  (When silver prices increased a couple of years ago, so did Silpada's price points.)

But this I could get behind...for several reasons.  First, I had previous experience with it as a consumer and I loved the jewelry.  You will never see yourself coming down the street in it:  it's VERY different from anything that is out there.  Second, I loved the quality.  It wears well.  Third - and most important - I could get behind it because I DID wear it myself, I loved it and I thought I could convey that eenthusiasm to others!  So I told Jennifer I'd give it a go.  (I was later told by another Senior Merchandise Manager, "Jennifer NEVER issues invitations, so when she told me she'd invited you, I nearly fell out!"  A nice compliment.)

I have an online boutique and I've set about trying to establish a customer base - I'm doing this because I want to take it with me as a job when Gary & I move to Camano Island next year.  I've had a powerful yearning to be my own boss for a long time, but I don't really want to do freelancing anymore:  at least, not now.  Maybe later.  This will be fun, profitable (hopefully) and a great way to meet new people, both in North Carolina and on Camano.

Here is the link to my boutique:

I'd love to invite you guys to explore it, see what you like, ask me questions and, hopefully, a few of you will become my new customers and help me grow and expand the business!  A few things about C+I jewelry so you know from the get-go:

1.  All pieces come with a lifetime guarantee.

2.  Our prices range from $18 - $188 so there is something for everyone, every style and every budget.

3.  All our jewelry is hypoallergenic, nickle-and-lead free and made from a wide variety of materials, such as semi-precious stones, brass plating, rhodium and 12k gold plating, leather, Swarovski crystals and stunning glass stones of all colors and sizes.  

4.  The fall collection, Botannica, is inspired by the beauties of nature and tons of plums and purples; we also really love our Art Deco pieces!  We have everything from big statement necklaces to smaller, more classic looks.  Again, something for everyone.

I do home shows (called Pop-Ups, which is a really hot trend in businesses these days, so named because you can, literally, "pop up" with your jewelry for however long and wherever you want) as well as vendor events.  In fact, here are a few pictures of my booth at Virginia International Raceway that I had this past weekend in Alton, VA;


As you can see, I've got a LOT of pretty things!  (The other and best thing about doing this?  I get jewelry credits!  I'm 90% magpie and have always been big on jewelry so this is just like putting a fox in a hen house.)

So I don't want to take TOO much time away from the kitties (Selina's waking up so I'll make this quick).  But please click on the link, browse to your heart's content and remember ... Xmas is coming!  We have lots of things that would make great holiday presents for - gentlemen! - a special woman in your life - or, ladies, for yourself or a friend.

In September, I had my first $2K month in sales, which has inspired me to keep going with this & see where I can go from here.  This is another reason I'm doing this:  it's a confidence-builder for me that I've been sorely in need of.  I get little positive feedback in my "regular" job; this gives me the chance to build something of my own.  I run the ship, I am at the helm and it lives or dies with me & my efforts.

I have paper Look Books also.  

Let me know if you'd like me to send you one and I'll mail it right out to you!

Thanks for letting me do the "pitch"!  Now here's Selina!


Peeps, she's long-winded, isn't she?  MOL

Well, all I can say is ... it better pay for some gooshy fud and cool toys for us kittehs!  (Sasha looks doubtful here but I'm telling her it'll happen!  More pipe cleaners for her!)

Ciao bella!



  1. best fishes to you Laura on this venture and I wish you a TON of success... I know only to well the work like a ***** and get appreciated for **** in the work day rat race

    will check out your line and send the link to some others I know !!

    glad to hear Gary's doing better each day ♥


    1. Thank you Laura! Let me know what you think! My Email is

  2. We also wish your Mom much success.
    Mom looked at the link and thinks the jewellery is nice :)
    Purrs for your Dad. We are glad he is feeling better.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  3. Dang, MomKatt is doing great and we know she has such a successful purrsonality! Hugs to everyone from all of us!

  4. Good luck - these are very pretty pieces, and I think you will do very well with them!

  5. Good luck,they are lovely designs,xx Rachel

  6. he he he.. I just love the way this post was written.. :) Wishing you a lot of success with C+I..

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Our Mommy is familiar with the line! She's heading over to your shop now!

    1. Yay! Tell her to message MomKatt on FB or her Email ( if she has questions!

  9. Oh WOW! Another place for the Staff to spend an inordinate amount of time! :) Good luck with the venture x


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