Rachel Gets a Drink

Hummm ... look!  Some trickle-y stuff.

If I can just get to it ...

(She's obsessed with sinks - particularly the kitchen sink pictured here.)


  1. Give her a wash cloth while she's there! MOL

  2. I think sinks are cool too - not that fond of them when I am getting a bath, though!

  3. Katie used to jump on the kitchen sink eleventy hundred times a day and then Gramma or TW would turn on the water.

  4. The only thing that happens in sinks around here is that Newton likes to pee in them. That sure keeps the rest of us out, though!

  5. Good job, Rachel. Does the water taste better that way?

  6. Good job, Rachel! Drinking from the faucet can be tricky...

  7. MOL, Mommy's cat Snowball could turn on faucets. Whenever she got thirsty she turned the faucet on and helped herself to a drink. She never did learn to turn them off though so Grandpa got irate about it.

  8. Looks like you are having a lot of fun sweet Rachel, running water is fun. Hugs and nose kisses

  9. You are COOL !
    No way I get near da sink ! Mission Impawsible ;)


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