Meowlo peeps! MomKatt never ceases to amaze me: I'm here today, posting for you! Two days in a row! OK I'll stop giving her poop. So what are some things she's caught us doing with the phone camera? Well, firstly, I'm modeling my new kitteh mat here. (Actually, I think it's supposed to be a door mat for the house but MomKatt said it was too nice to put it outside and I agree!) Here is Nutmeg, conquering DadKatt. She's just shoved her little self fit right in with us around here. She, Ray and Rachel are "The Three Musketeers" and I'm the occasional fourth, if I feel like joining their insane chasing. (Which I usually do.) Lastly, here's Rachel. She's not actually doing anything, except maybe wasting time letting you see how pretty she is. Sadly, Ray cannot be with us today. Mainly because MomKatt can't get a decent pic of him lately. Don't ask me why. I think he's just o...