Meowlo, Peeps!

I'm looking out of our kitchen window right now. This is where DadKatt puts the hummingbird feeder.  He just loves to tend to them and watch them.  Setting up Bird TV in HD for us is his hobby and the hummers really get him going.  But with all the terrible weather we've been having, plus the fact that it's time for them all to start migrating to warmer areas, we've not seen any in the past week or so ... and DadKatt hates to bring the feeder in 'cause that means no more hummers until next spring!

I hate it too but Nutmeg's going to hate it even MORE!  She's spent all summer scrabbling on the window, trying to get them.  After they realized she was no danger, they just drank like normal and probably told her to stuff it!

This lack of sunshine is playing heck with my tanning sessions!

Speaking of the little shaver, today is a very special day.  Nutmeg is one year old today!  MomKatt says her little girl's growing up.  I say she still acts like a kitten:  she chases EVERYBODY around the house all the time.  And you should see her leap up in the air to get the teaser MomKatt waves at her ... I've gotten my licks in on that one, too.  I'm not letting her hog the toys!  (And "my" little red dot, too - it's MINE!)  I have to admit though, watching her and Ray in their mutual love fests grooming sessions is pretty funny.

So I'm sure there'll be 'nip aplenty tonight! Nutter took to the weed right off - surprised the pawrents.  They didn't think the younger ones liked it at that age.  Then again, Nutmeg's just DIFFERENT.  (It's that tortie-thing.)

PURRZ Y'ALL!  Keep dry out there - it's pouring buckets here.  Looks like we're going to have another soggy weekend!


Ray attempted to stuff her into the kitchen trash can as a prank, but she just popped the lid off, then decided to sit in it!


  1. Happy Birthday beautiful Nutmeg! Y'all keep safe up there. The National Weather Service at our airport is calling the coming rains "historic and life threatening".

    1. Brian, no noes! Stay safe! Yes, I'm not sure what the weekend holds here other than a lot of rain and a LOT of wind! It feels like hurricane force!

  2. Aaaaaw Selina, yous be so cute. Never let da little ones hog da toys tho', yous so wight bout dat. MOL happy Meowday to Nutmeg. kittens can stawrt likin' da nip 'tween 5 and 6 mumffs old, so it sounds like hers nose was tellin' her all 'bout da yummyness of da nip. Hope da day be purrfect fur all of ya'. Sowry yous gettin' da rain, but enjoy da cooler wevver.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  3. Happy Birthday Nutmeg!
    Have lots of fun and cuddles.
    WE bet you get then all the time anyway :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  4. Happy birthday to Nutmeg! I actually liked catnip from an early age too. (But then I, um, "developed" early and needed to be spayed sooner than expected also!) She is so funny sitting in the trash can top - a total original.

  5. Happy Purrday Nutmeg!!!!!

    Yin and Yang seemed to react to our nip candies which surprised our Mom as she didn't think nip would have any interest for them at their age.

  6. Happy Birthday Nutmeg! We took down our hummingbird feeders too. Soon we will put out some other feeders sunflower seeds and thistle.

  7. Happy birthday Nutmeg.

    No more hummingbirds? that's sad.

  8. Happy birthday, Nutmeg! Sorry to hear about no more hummingbirds. We hope you had a great day, despite that. :)

  9. HAH! Is Rachel jealous of her? Happy Belated Birthday to Nutmeg.


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