Prepping for Halloween

Meowlo Peeps!

I know, I know.  Way too long between posts.  My typist has been very neglectful!

Actually, nothing much has been going on here to meow about.  Well, maybe there is.

I went to the V E T for my annual two weeks ago.  I'm 2 pounds overweight!!  Now, we can't be having that, can we?  Dr. L suggested Science Diet Weight Management kibble - since I LOOOOVVVEEE my kibble, maybe a bit TOO much? - so after we finish this bag of Authority, we're going to give it a try.  She's already gotten a bag.  I hope I like it.

Then, there's MomKatt's recent nightly efforts at trying to twist herself into a human pretzel upstairs for the past month.  We are NOT allowed in the room with her when this is occurring.  I don't understand why.  She says that we'd trip her when doing "tree pose".  I'm so confused - why would a hooman want to pretend to be a tree? 

We disagree.  But she closes the door anyway.

She calls this strange activity "Yo-Ga" (sounds like what you'd say when greeting Lady Gaga, don't you think?).  She says this strange practice makes her more flexible.  Heck, why learn this from some guy named Yee?  We kitties could have taught her all about THAT.  Why doesn't she look at us instead and try a few radical "backbend spinal twists" we're so good at?

Oh well.  As long as she's happy.  (And she really seems to be.  She's much perkier, I have to say.)  And I admit she DOES open the door for us during the "relaxation" practice.  Nutmeg "helps" by getting on MomKatt's tummy:  "I'm adding more resistance!" she claims.  MomKatt doesn't look too relaxed to me when she's up there ...

In other news, we are starting to gear up a bit around here in anticipation of Halloween (you can't start too soon for our favorite holiday, can you?)  MomKatt got this REALLY cool sign earlier this week from a shop in Greensboro called "Eclectic By Nature".  She said she HAD to have it and it IS purrfect ... but there's a grammatical correction on it that needs to be made. 

Can you spot what it is?

MomKatt would probably have been burned at the stake about 300 years ago!  MOL  But *I* certainly look good, don't I?

Purrz, ya'll!


  1. I wonder if Mum will get us some Halloween Witches hats for us - if she doesn't we'll sulk.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. A long time ago, when my human had the cat before Sparkle and Binga together, she started doing yoga for the first time, and every time she tried to get into Shavasana, Harlot and Binga would start fighting over who got to lie on top of her! No way were they sharing. It made for a really, um, interesting "relaxation."

  3. MeOW dat's a lot goin' on fur sure. Good luck and have fun.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  4. That is a neat sign, but it should be "catS"
    as there is certainly more than one black cat ;)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  5. You always look great sweetie! Hey, tell MomKatt to be careful. I tried that yoga once and rolled off the ottoman and hurt my butt. It was the WTF pose!

  6. Cats

    Mommy likes doing Yoga, but she says we get under her feets. She has to wait till we are outside to do it. The only room she can' do it in is the Family Room and there is no doors to close MOL

    Sometimes she tries to do it when Scylla is in the house but the moment Mommy pops the video in the Xbox, Scylla comes running to either get under Mommy's feets or jumps on her back.

  7. I think you are the purrfect weight. I love Halloween , I am going to start decorating this weekend. I have year round decorations with my 4 black cats though :)

  8. I think she’s afraid you’ll post video of that weird stuff she’s doing. Kibble is great for packing on the poundage and bad for losing weight. Mix some pumpkin in your food to fill up faster.

  9. Hope she is enjoying her yoga. Fun sign!

    Hope you had a great Halloween! Including treats!

    Deb Taylor


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