So Excited!

Meowlo, peeps!

We are all excited around here - MomKatt helped us get our Secret Paws packages put together and mailed today!!!  We're so excited and will be most anxious to see what happens when they receive the special box!  This has been our first Secret Paws participation, and we've had a great time doing it.  I think this will be a seasonal thing!

I was "Package Decoration Inspectress No. 12".  Here I am, ensuring that the tissue paper was the perfect shade of green.  I also chose the little Santa bag containing ... shhh!

MomKatt, careful where you put that tape gun!  It's got TEETH!
Then I let Rachel help - here, she's checking the tissue paper to determine how well it crinkles, in both texture and sound considerations.  She deemed it exemplary.

She wanted to chew on one of the corners.

And ... as always ... there's gotta be That Kitten.  Honestly.  She was NO help.  In fact, I had to tell her most emphatically that this was not "all about her today". (She thinks most things are all about her.  Every day.  Which they aren't.)  When MomKatt took this piccy, I was a little naughty and imagined pushing her into the box and shipping her with the pressies.  (Boy, what a Secret Paw surprise THAT would have been!)  But MomKatt said, no, because the box wasn't big enough for a litter box.  Hummmph.  Woman ruins all my fun.

(Gee.  I hope Santa Paws didn't read my mind right about then.  Hey, I was kidding!  Don't you know a joke when you hear one?)

Ray absented himself and that was OK 'cause man-kittehs can't wrap presents all that well.  And he'd be too busy head-bonking MomKatt he would have slowed the momentum.
Anyway, we're really excited and now that the goodies have been sent, Xmas can really begin!!

Purrs, ya'll!



  1. How exciting!! Some kitty is going to be very happy!! It is good you were able to undertake quality control duties .... with a little help, of course! MOL xxx

  2. Oh yea, you were having one heck of a good time! Hey, it tis the season!!!

  3. I'm hoping to get my Secret Paws shopping done as soon as the cat show is over so I can ship it out early this upcoming week!

  4. You were both having fun helping with the Secret Paw package. Some kitty is going to be very lucky.

  5. Selina it looks like you did a great job as inspectress of packages. Have a great holiday!

    For those reading this, check out my cat blog archives for some informative posts and stories about the cat abandoned/feral colony I manage.

    Debby in Arizona

  6. Oh Selina what fun. Sounds like you all got in on da fun. We're sure whoever gets yous box is gunna luv it. We can't wait to see what you all get. it's so much fun to see da surprise and joy on each kitties face. Have a blest day.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  7. Hello Precious babies! Your fan from east TN here at your service and always admiring of you. XXX

  8. What a fun post Selena. We just ailed our pressies Monday. I let TKS help this year as I preferred to nap


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