Friday Coup Attempt

Good morning, my friends!

Here is how I began my morning:

Aren't my furz shiny?

Just looking at them, you can see a tiny notch in my right ear.  It's my beauty mark.

As you can no doubt tell, especially by the position of my gleaming ebony ears, I am quite content to fill MomKatt's lap and warm both of us while she reads.

But, as I rest contented and heavily asleep ... an interloper shows up (that's her in MomKatt's lap):

And THEN ... of ALL things, MomKatt (gently, I must admit) removes me from her lap so that Morticia can get there!!!  I tried SO hard to thwart this action by playing dead; i.e. not assisting in the picking up but going firmly limp, thinking that my body weight would then be too much for her.  But ... no.  I was - gently, I admit - removed from my throne.  Morticia then slowly climbed into MY lap, with MomKatt telling her, "'Ticia, here you go, it's alright.  She won't chase you away.  Isn't it nice and warm now?"  I watched as she made circles and tucked herself up.

I was reduced to standing as you see me here.  In the picture, I was gazing towards the bedroom door, hoping DadKatt would come to my rescue.  But ... alas, he'd already left for work.
 I couldn't BELIEVE it.  WHY was I so betrayed by MomKatt?  What have I done to deserve this?  I stood my ground, though, for a few more minutes until I had to admit defeat.  'Ticia had clearly settled herself in and I saw that I was just going to have to give up this time (again) and wait 'til night comes, when I can settle into MY lap once Mom&DadKatt were watching TV.

So I went into the living room, only to find The Brat doing this:

I admit, I wish I had as cute a tummy foof.

She's always hogging the spotlight and showing off her Tortie Cuteness.  But every Court has to have its jester, no?  I think I'll chase her later.  

I *will* come Alpha Female.  I *will* rule. 

I hope every fur has a great weekend!





  1. Yes, you are the alpha :) You are both cuties though.

  2. The indignity of being moved from your nice cozy snuggle spot! It is nice to see you again.

  3. I dunno, Selina - it looks like the competition is fierce at your place!

  4. What? What? WHAT??????? Something must be done. Clearly!

    The Chans

  5. Oh, I know you sill get a grasp on things sweet Selina!


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