Damming Evidence

Meowlo Peeps!!

First, a warning: The following blog post contains images that may not be appropriate for kittens. 

There was a 'nip party recently. Nearly everyone was there. I sent MK in to take notes and incriminating pictures because I thought it was time for a "true crime" blog entry.

As with most crime, things start out simply, innocently. A few curious cats see something and they investigate. Then THIS starts to happen:

"We'll just TRY it ... that won't hurt, will it? We can stop anytime we want."

Oh yeah?

Sadly, this is a myth. As MK snapped more evidence with the flashy-thing, events started to get a little out of paw.  Tempers began to fray over "stash" ownership.

Morticia: "Why, you little ...!" Nutmeg: "You wanna piece of me? Well ... DO YA?"

"HA HA! Victory ... is ... wow ... why is my paw green?"

It got progressively worse. (I told you this was only for the strong of stomach).

"I can't get my face out."

Finally, things started to slowly de-escalate. The floor was littered with prone bodies.

I think she needs a chalk outline and a trip to Betty Ford.

Geeze. Talk about STONED.

"Carpets UNDULATE???"

I don't know HOW she got to the bed from the floor up there.

In the end, some kitties resisted. Boudicca stayed safelynear Morticia's stuffed pepper.

"That 'nip stuff makes me vomit."

Note: Nearly EVERYTHING makes her vomit. Or pretend to.

Ray remained above it all.

"None for me. Spoils the fun of psyching them out later.  I'm all like, 'Oooo do you KNOW what you did/meowed the other morning??" and they're all like, 'What did I do? WHAT?????"

I hired bribed this guy to type the manuscript. (Hey, he came cheap. And I had to turn the keyboard around for him!  DUH!)

I'm not hiring from THAT temp agency anymore. You get what you (don't) pay for.

At last, it was done and ready to mail.

"MK, how do you spell 'Washington Post'? Are the pics on that paw drive?"

Peeps, this is a strong object lesson for all kittehs:  Drugs ... any drugs ... produce ugly results.  Remember: Just say ..


This has been a public service message to kitties everywhere.

(Now where's my Pulitzer Prize?)

Selina (the abstemious)

PS  Pawtographed copies with fake Pulitzer ribbons will be available for a nominal ridiculous price in approximately two weeks.





  1. MOL! I'm not surprised Nutmeg got whappy - I think being a mean drunk is a tortie trait. Just judging from what happens here.

  2. MOL! MOL!
    We see some fun and excitement took place ot your house ;)
    Gotta love that nip ,heehee
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  3. I think there might be a few new members at the next Nip Lickers Anonymous meeting!

  4. And I couldn't be there. That mom of mine was GONE!

  5. I LOVED hearing from you today Selina and how you manage your household and Mom. We are kitties of a feather. Er, of a fur...er...we think alike.

  6. We know you're out there. How about a new post here? We don't do facebook, etc. Why, you ask? Reference the current news story. . .


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