Of Mice and Menkatts

Happy Monday to my peeps!

I was struggling to come up with a really good subject for today's post and was getting nowhere fast.  

Until, that is, The Brat came to my rescue!

She thought that a post about her mousies would be in order so you can see what we all have fun with over here.

A very diverse group if I do say so.

She/we have a nicely varied assortment. When MK says the word, "Mousie!" or "Wanna play Mousie?", to her, Nutmeg rubs on her ankles and mews and mews (she's still got that kitten mew despite being two years old) so MK throws each mouse in turn. Then she walks to where they all ended up and throws all of them again.  (Are any of your pawrents nodding their heads because this scenario sounds vaguely familiar?)

Her faves are the beige-colored ones with the brown ears. 

So we here would love to see pics of YOUR favorite toys. Whatcha got? (We love Katie's posts about her donkey!)


PS  If you like any of our toys, they all came from PetSmart so you might be able to get some for yourselves.

PPS Ray photobombed the second picture MK took.  He's R E A L L Y trying to impress Katie.

"I'm looking at YOU, lovely Katie."



  1. A lot of cats teach their humans to play fetch! I'm embarrassed to admit, I'm usually the one that does the fetching. Not very catlike of me, is it?

  2. Watching the human throw a mouse is like the best game ever

    1. Yeah especially when they have a rag arm like MK!

  3. Happy Monday to you as well! Very cute photos :)


  4. We've got a whole basket of toys. A lot of the smaller ones, like the mousies, end up under the china cabinet. And we can't fish them out.


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