'Ticia Tuesday

Morning, peeps!

Tuesdays are going to be Morticia's day to blog. So here she is!

Not TOO happy about that clickie thing.
Hi, I'm Morticia. I am known as "Herself" because I am the oldest and the only kit here who tries to conduct herself with a little dignity, despite being hounded by The Brat. (And Selina, who thinks she can usurp my position as Queen.)

She needs to learn that actually, if you go by age, Boudicca is next in line for my place.  She's 9 and Selina is 6.  Boudicca is the "heir" and Selina is the "spare"!  MOL

In the meantime, I can keep her in line.  (Age and treachery, you know how that old saying goes, I trust.)

But boy, does it get wearying sometimes. I really just want her to lay off (and The Brat, too). I DO try to be a nice kitty - and MK makes me feel so much better letting me sleep with her every night and telling me that I am her "Black Pearl Beyond Price".  Isn't that nice of her?  MK is *my* hooman and no one else's. 

But some days, those two really try my patience, especially in the mornings when they KNOW that is MY lap time with MK while she reads in bed.  They still try to muscle in - MK shoos them away, and I punctuate said shooing with a nice growl or warning meow. That usually does it - they know on which side their slice of bread is buttered.

The top picture was taken yesterday.  Here's me this morning.

Hopefully, we'll get sun today so I can tan.

MK says I have a lovely profile. My white whiskers set my ebony fur off pleasantly, I think.

If I sleep here, there's no room for The Brat.

Well, that's it for today. I need another nap. I hope you've enjoyed your time with me. Until next Tuesday.

(Herself In Residence)



  1. You do look very pretty and darn Royal too!

  2. Hello Morticia. I hope you find some good in your siblings..

  3. Binga says she totally relates. I say "dignity????"

  4. We did enjoy spending this time with you Morticia.
    You are a lovely kitty.
    Our Julie is the youngest and seems to think mum is all hers!
    Some day the young kitties will understand ;)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  5. Good idea to growl to make your point.


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