Thursday Thrill

Meowlo Peeps!

Yes, I'm still around and today I'm giving you a quick thrill:

It's ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DK says I have the prettiest green eye he's ever seen. Well, Morticia has two but .... still. (I have to agree with him. Don't tell 'Ticia.)

Over & out.



  1. selina....we agreez with dad....N we willna say a thing ta 'ticia ~~~~ :) ♥♥

    hope everee onez doin grate !!!

  2. How nice to see you, Selina! And yes, you do have a pretty green eye!

  3. Nice to see your adorable face. XO

  4. Hi! We only just saw your post! We need more like this one!

    The Chans

  5. Selina, you look so wonderful in the photo that you shared with us. We must say that you have gorgeous green eyes and we won't tell Ticia. Hope you are nice and comfortable in the bed your in. Thank you for the beautiful share. Have a great day
    World of Animals


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