An Update!


Meowlo, peeps!

    I know, I know ... long time, no meow. My amanuensis has really been lazy since last March. But we're changing our game - I really AM back! And this time, it's different, as I explain below.

    (BTW ... Did you know that the word "amanuensis" harkens back to the Latin phrase servus a manu which, loosely translated, means "slave with secretarial duties?" Makes you think, doesn't it? I'm meowing at YOU, MomKatt!)

    Anyway, I've missed you all and here's an update. We kits are all fine. Keaton turned one year old in October and while he's slowed down a bit, he's still a jerk when he wants to be. At least he's not pouncing directly on top of us (especially Nutmeg - remember, she is/was his favorite toy?) However, he still chases us, still guards the bathroom water bowl (nobody likes the door monitor!) and - with particular regard to moi - chases me to the kitchen window which I use to jump onto the counter at food time! MomKatt lifts the blinds and I spring onto the window ledge, but sometimes he's right on my tail and sometimes (not often, of course for, even at twelve years young, I'm a spry lady) tags my back foot! But he never catches me!

    MomKatt was laid off a couple of weeks ago from her amanuensis job with an attorney down the street from where we live. It was unexpected and as a result, it's been very stressful here. But the Carter Clowder is doing its part to keep the side up and help her maintain her sanity. I've heard that, for peeps, losing a job is pretty upsetting. But she says we will eat before SHE does! So, I'm not worried too much.

    Anyway, it's caused her to think about some things. This might be something she calls an "opportunity". She is considering getting serious about her writing and that includes my blog! Nutmeg is helping with this by sitting next to MomKatt's chair while she's at her desk - as she is now doing.

    So, as they say - watch this space! Meanwhile, as the photo below shows, I do have some very important things to do. I hope you all have a spectacular Saturday!


    And remember: love on your cats every day - we deserve it!



PS  If you haven't done so, please friend and/or follow me on Facebook! Here's my page link:

Look forward to seeing you there!


  1. Hope your still love me. Admiral went to the Bridge: but me at 15...I am still here. I have missed you,

  2. This is excellent news. Not the job loss, mind you, but the silver lining sounds good. Keep it up!

    The Chans

  3. We're always so happy to see you and a great big welcome back. Our Brian is now an Angel now as he went to the Rainbow Bridge on October 9th. It's pretty sad around here still but we're trying our best.

    1. Oh no!!!! We are so sorry to hear this! We know exactly what you all are going through. It's good to have a support network and you've got one. We are thinking about you all and, of course, Brian. Sad purrz, Selina & MomKatt

  4. It's nice to see a post from you, friends! We are sorry to hear about MomKatt losing that job, but it does sound like a pretty good opportunity and silver lining for you all.

  5. Hey! Good that you are back. Lots has happened. Julie ran across the rainbow Bridge and I(Winnie) am looking after the blog now. See ya again soon!
    Purrs, Winnie


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