A Very Special Day

Hi Peeps! MomKatt said today was a special day this morning. I asked, "Why?" She said, "Because it's Ray and Rachel's 'Gotcha Day'!" "Hummm ...," I pondered. "I guess it's special." "Don't be jealous, sweetie," MomKatt said. "After all, YOU were rescued, too! And besides, you know you like them!" I quickly groomed one of my back feet, splaying my toes and cleaning very carefully while I thought about my answer to that assumption. She's right of course. One of the best things about it was it was all because of Brian's Dad that they came to us to begin with. (And of course, *I* came to my furever home because of Uncle Terry, too!) But back to "The Twins", as MomKatt calls them. Those two were indeed " Black, Blind and in a Bind " and needed homes quickly or else they would have to be returned to the horrid colony they'd been plucked from. (If you don...