
Showing posts from October, 2014

A Very Special Day

Hi Peeps! MomKatt said today was a special day this morning.  I asked, "Why?"  She said, "Because it's Ray and Rachel's 'Gotcha Day'!" "Hummm ...," I pondered.  "I guess it's special." "Don't be jealous, sweetie," MomKatt said.  "After all, YOU were rescued, too!  And besides, you know you like them!" I quickly groomed one of my back feet, splaying my toes and cleaning very carefully while I thought about my answer to that assumption. She's right of course.  One of the best things about it was it was all because of Brian's Dad that they came to us to begin with.  (And of course, *I* came to my furever home because of Uncle Terry, too!) But back to "The Twins", as MomKatt calls them.  Those two were indeed " Black, Blind and in a Bind " and needed homes quickly or else they would have to be returned to the horrid colony they'd been plucked from.  (If you don...

Rachel Gets a Drink

Hummm ... look!  Some trickle-y stuff. If I can just get to it ... SCORE! (She's obsessed with sinks - particularly the kitchen sink pictured here.)

Sasha's had enough!

Someone has gotten on my sisfur, Sasha's, last nerve! As you can see from this picture. And what, you may be wondering, has Miz Sasha had enough of? THESE TWO! Hi!  We heard you were taking pictures!  We've come to help! Notice me, back in that chair behind them?  Well, this *was* supposed to be a picture of ONLY ME.  They just LOVE to photobomb MY pictures.  Hiss! Then "THE TWINS" invaded. They just annoy Sasha in general.  She's normally our "ghost kitty".  The pawrents' bedroom is her usual hangout and she likes to be alone there, dozing the day away on their big king bed.  Maybe Garbo was reincarnated into a cat?  MomKatt thinks it's possible.  Ray likes to growl at her - we don't know why.  No sweeter kitty exists in the world! Can we send those two back for a refund????? Purrz! Selina

My Forthright Stare

Hi Peeps! Thanks for reading the last two VERY long posts.  Here is a shorter one, featuring Yours Truly. I thought you'd like to see me lately.  I'm still sleek and gorgeous and I'm now the Permanent Lap Cat of MomKatt.  Every night when she's eating dinner (they eat sitting on the sofa watching PBS), I jump up on the coffee table and walk over to her and wait for her to pat her lap and say, "C'mon Selina!"  Then I get in and curl around and around, lay down and sleep with my head tilted so that my muzzle is facing upward. The pawrents wonder how I can sleep that way, but we kittehs have more flexible bones than they do! Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday. Purrz! Selina the Sleek PS - DadKatt continues to heal slowly.  Again, we SO appreciate everyone's purrs and good thoughts for him!

CARter 54 Where Are You? - Part Two

Meo wlo peeps! Well here I am with Sasha, continuing my cat ch-up post from yesterday.  No car wrecks here, I promise!  Actually, I think Sasha & I are gonna sack out here on the couch and I'll allow the typist to bore you with tell you al l about the ne w busin ess venture she 's attempting.  (Some on Facebook will probably stop reading here 'cause they've heard enough about it.  MOL   You can do that.  You have my permiss ion.) So take it away ZZZZZZZ .... ***** Boy she falls asleep fast! Hi all.  Now that you've had all the grues o me details about Gary's wreck and subsequent recovery, I can say to day that he improves a little bit each da y.  Today his bruisin g all over his left side is no longer a blackish-purple; it's faded to a semi-angry red .  Also he can lift his le ft arm enough to put deodorant on!  (To the relief of many.  HA HA)  At least he can feed himself while fending off Ray and Rachel....