
Showing posts from September, 2013

My Thoughts on "Remember Me Thursday"

Meowlo, Peeps . Do any of you remember this photo of me? Yep.  This is the photo that Brian of Brian's Home posted way back in The Dark Ages when they were trying to find a home for me.  He had written something along the lines of, "Look at me.  Who would want me?" Well, MomKatt took a look at me and WANTED me.  Me - a cat someone else, maybe a lot of people, would look at and say, "Oh, it's a black cat. Big deal."  Or maybe , "Well, she's not PERFECT, is she?  I mean, she's only got one eye!"  People HAD already laughed at me on the country club golf course where my Uncle Bill was caring for me, just bec a use I was having trouble hunting a chi pmunk.  I was HUNGRY and they laughed at me. But Uncle Bill cared.  And Brian's hooman cared, and a bunch of other folks did, too, and they got the wor d out and took care o f me and, when MomKatt saw me online, she said to he rs elf, literally, "You're going to be MY kitty...

Wordless Wed. - Peppers Sez Blargh!


Opposites Attract Award

Meowlo Peeps! My friend, Nerissa, just gave me the " Opp osites Attract Award "!  Thank you, Nerissa! No w I have to do three things:  (1)  Thank the award-giver.  (Done!)  (2 ).  Post the award on my blog.  (Don e !  See below.) T hird, I have to give it to another kitty who is my opposite (i.e. I'm a girl, so I have to give to a boy .)  This is SUPER easy 'cause I'm g iving it to ...  ***DRUM ROLL*** BRIAN of BRIAN'S HOME! W hy, you may as k, do I single out Bri an?  I'm doing so to proclaim my admiration for h im and his h uman, Terry, who work SO hard to find kitties like me (and Ray Charles and Rachel) a forever home, puttin g SO much time and effort and, most of al l, love, into their websites, Twitter profiles and Bast only knows what else!  We truly don't know of a better person in our lives right now to give this award to! Have a great day, Brian & Terry.  As your blog proclaims, you "...

Walk The Plank or Else!

Arrggh! Who needs an eyepatch, matey, when Ah only gots da one eye, donchaknow?  If'n I had an eye patch on me one eye, I could'na see me whiskers afore me face!  How silly would DAT be?  I'd be a-walkin' off planks an ' the ends 'o piers an ' runnin' into da walls an ' a-fallin' down da steps an ' into barrels 'o rum 'n grog 'n margaritas!  Hey wai t, that part might not be so ba d ... Ahoy! Scuppers! Mizzenmast ! Cutlass! Shiver me timbers! Let's go walk the plank!  What the heck am I SAYING?!  Avast!  Gimme da gooshy fuds an ' no one gets hurt! An ' Ah'm takin' back me blog-o, so I am!  Dose kittens haf had enuff publicity!  It's MY blog, so it 'tis, ye scurvy upstarts!   Get yer own or face da perils 'o Davie Jones' lockerz 'n stuff!   Or worse yet, Ah'll toss ye into d is heah landlubbin' dryer so ya get all tumbly and come out all a-staggerin' like'n ye h...

Avast There Scurvy Dawg!

Rachel:  Hey there!  Ya'll g ot anyt hing that needs scupperin'?  'Cuz we can scupp er just about any thing! Ray:  Rachel, don't be silly.  Y ou don't even know what 'scuppering' i nvolves.  *flicks ta il, thoughtfully bats a lint ball on the floor*  Besides, ya gotta say "Arrrggh" before you say anything else. Rachel:  How come? Ray:  It's "Meow Like a P irate Day" that's how come. Rachel:  *looks at her right paw with a frown *  Where'd this cutlass come from? Ray:  You be careful with that thing - it's shar p! Rachel:  * looking annoyed*  I will, I will !   Don't boss me around or I'll make you walk the plan k!  O K, l et me try this:  A ARR GGHH!  Hey, that's pretty fun!  Now YOU try! Ray:  *clears throat*  Aarrgghh! Rachel:  No, no no !  With more FEELING ! Ray:  AARRGGHH! Rachel:  Well you don't have t o yell ..... *This went on for...

A Long-Delayed Kitten Update

Hi everybody!  Ray Charles here, with an important announ cement! Well, not really an "announcement" .  N o thing is really HAPPENING.  MomKatt just thought, since I'm Executive Cat around here, it would be good for me to do today's post, and let you all know that Rachel & I are just fine and still enjoying life at Chez Carter. We both appreciate so much everyone blogging & tweeting about us.  We can feel our ears burning every day with people talking about us - who knew we were so important? MomKatt wishes me to say she's very sorry she hasn't updated recently.  Things , she says, are gradually "leveling out" fo r her, and she's just having to take things a day at the time.  But that doesn't mean we are skimped on - no SIR !  In fac t, she says we've done more to help HER than she's done to help US!   All *I* know is that now I'm getting more and more comfor table every day with rubbing myself on her while s...

More Kitten News

Here's looking at YOU, kid, says Ray! Meanwhile, Rachel gets some MomKatt lovins while cuddling her KONG teaser. I think the y're having swimming lessons in my office when I'm no t there because water from their water bowl was ALL OVER the floor & the food/water dish mat this morning . Am also starting to think about possibly beginning to switch them over from kitten kibb le to adult kibble, probably Blue Buffalo W ilderness like my kids get downstairs. This Sunday, they'll have been with me exactly three months.  Har d to believe - time flies when you' r e playing with kittens. MomKatt Laura PS - Have caught Rachel removing books from the bottom shelves of my bookcases.  Think she is trying to learn to read, or does she only like looking at the pictures?  (The latest removal was The Great Mortality by John Ke lly.  Perhaps she has an interest in learning more about The Black Death?)      

WHEREIN ... Ray Visits the Spa

Yesterday morning, I went upstairs to fee d Ray and Rachel their morning gooshy delight, only to find this: Thi s had not been on Ray on Sunday night when I scooped their boxes before be dtime but, of course, I slightly pan i c ked (plus this WOULD have to happen on a morning where I'd gotten up late for work anyway, so I was even more behind than usual).  Nothing for it but a trip to the spa (a/k/a Dr. Brigham's office). Have no fear, however, intrepid "Ray Fans"!  What actually happened to trigger this, we'll never know (WHY can't they spe ak English, for Bast's sake?!) but Dr. Brigham kept him all day and called me about 2 PM to say that he thoug ht it was more of Ray's stress -licking , that something - a sound he hadn't heard before, a n unfamiliar smell (Dad Katt's shoes?  LOL) or something - had caused him to start licking that spot on his left hin d leg.  And, when he did, since it's a n obsessive-compulsive act (like a ...