
Showing posts from October, 2013

Happy Halloween!

M eowlo, Peeps! Y'know, it's hard to look anywhere NEAR scary when you're as cut e utter ly drop-dead go rgeous as I am, so I'm no t even goi ng to try.   I'm just going to wish everyone a h appy and, above all, SAFE Hal loween. And hope that no black kitt ies come to any harm tonight.  Some peeps are still full of antiquated, false and STOOPID ideas about the likes of us Black Bea uties, instead of stopping to realize how gorgeous, special and loving we are. But we won't dwell on that.  Just keep a lookout to nig ht for a blackie you might see and check to make sure h e/she is OK if you do. Purrz ! Selina    

Selina - Man Ray Thanks the Academy

Um ... hi folks.  I'm not used to publi c speaking and I'm a little shy still, so please bear with me.  I'm Man Ray and I'm really just he re to say a very hear tf elt "Thank you" to everyone who tried to help me and my sisfur, Rachel, get rescued and put into a safe place and adopted. We know ( because MomKatt told us all the time the last few months) how hard a lot of people were working on our behalf, and we want you to know how grateful we are, and we hope that you don 't feel your efforts for us were wasted when it turned out that we were "home" all the time - we just didn't know it!   Heck, we thought we were going to end up somewhere else, because MomKatt talked about it to us and, when she did, she'd get all teary especially when she looked at me.  You see, she and I formed a very spe cial bond.  I was one scared litt le guy back in June.  She'd put me in my carrier, just to clean the office for 10 minutes, and I'


SPECIAL ADOPTION ANNOUNCEMENT!! GARY & LAURA CARTER REQUEST THAT YOU JOIN IN OUR CELEBR ATION , AS WE FORMALLY WELCOME TWO VERY SPECIAL KITTIES INTO OUR FELINE FAMILY: MAN RAY (formerly known as "Ray Charles") AND HIS SISTER, RACHEL! YES!  As of October 28, 2013, Man Ray and Rachel officially join Sasha, Morticia, Peppers, Boudicca, Selina and Oliver in "The Carter Clow der"! They are an "early Xmas present" from Gary to Laura! Isn't he a great DadKatt? WELCOME HOME, MAN RAY AND RACHEL!  YOU'VE ACTUALLY BEEN "HOME" SINCE JUNE 15, 2013 - YOU JUST DID N'T KNOW IT!        

Selina - Freakin' Furriday!

Meowlo Peeps!!! It's FURRIDAY!  Well, for us kitties, EVERY day is Saturday, so we don't get as excited about Fr idays as the peeps do but, what the heck, I can celebrate it! And, as you can see, I'm celebrating it b y SITTING IN THIS BOX ! DadKatt took this pictu re a couple of days ago.  He was late get ting out the door tha t morning to go to his workz, and I'd obliged him (frankly, I was bored) by slapp ing applying my Patented Smacky Paws t echnique to this Fancy Feast flat that MomKatt uses when she shops at PetSmart onto the f loor.  There *were* three of them, all sitting on the end of the breakfast counter, and I was trying to peg all three but, alas ... Turned out, however, that one svelte black kitty cannot, under any laws of p hysics currently known to man or feline, occupy three Fancy Feast flats all at once (Boudic ca probably could ... heh heh ... or more aptly, her BUTT ... heh heh ... )  But, since I am s o sleek and long and water-like, o

Selina - Wordless Wed. Morning Playtime


Ray and Rachel ... Meet Other Cats!

Meowlo Peeps! Just a quick update on Ray & Rachel.  They're both doing great, and still continuing to turn into a pair of beautiful sleek house panthers, like Yours Truly. This weekend, Mom&DadKatt started introducing them to all of us in the house.  *sigh*  It was bound to happ en I suppose. The good news is:  s o far, so good.  Of course, Rachel ra n right downstairs and began to take ove r .  I hissed at her but she just looked at me like, "Who are you and why are you losing air?"  Then she went about her business.  At least I made my presence known to her! Peppers was in Dad Katt's recliner yesterday, and Ray was lying on to p of the recliner , looking down at him.  Peppers hissed at Ray and Ray just sta red at him like, "What's YOUR problem?"  He didn't spook, and he didn't bolt, th ough.  He jumped down to the floor from the back of the chair when HE was good and ready to do so.  (I kinda like the little gu y but don't te

Selina - Helping With The Coffee

M eowlo, Peeps! "Coffee" (or " Go Juice", as MomKatt sometimes calls it) is an integral part of my morning.  No, I don't drink it (MomKatt says she doesn't want me anymore wired than I already am, just channe ling Feisal).  But I do assist with its prep aration.  This used to be Livia's job but, since she went to The B ridge, I have assumed the mantle of responsibility. When MomKatt gets up in the mornings, the first thing that she gets done is to get the coffee brewing.  I follow her into the dining room, leap up on the counter and stake out my positi on. As you can see, I've helped MomKatt get out the coffee pot and the Brita pitcher full of fresh, COLD water.  (She says that u sing cold water is most important to the brewing process.) The bean grinder is behind the po t, so you can't see it, but I never mind it when MomKatt turns it on.  Doesn't scare me - never did. After I make sure that MomKatt grinds the beans, puts


She's such a princess (yes, just a sk her!) I decided I'd feature Rachel today on her o wn.  (Ray's napping so he can't be bothered right now.  It's raining here today and he says anyone with any sense - like him! - would be home napping right now , too! ) Rachel is SO adorable; she'll sta nd on her hind feet to reach for things, like this teaser ... or the bottom of my shorts (mostly my left leg) ... or the drawstring on my PJ bottoms ... LOL   When she does, she look s like a lit tle meerkat!   And both Rachel and Ray reach up with both paws, like she's doing here, to "catch" things like the now-defunct teaser that's just a stick now (" Who wants to play with streamers?  I got a plain STICK already!") or these ribbons from their Laurel Burc h teaser (PetSmart!)  They look like they're applauding!  ("Thank you, thank you, yes, I'm their foster mom, taught 'em everything they know!") So.  This is your Th

Selina: Trying New Things on Wordy Wednesday!

A few pics . First:  the new thing.  ( T h ank you, Sparkle!  We won her " Fancy Feast Delights With Cheddar G iveaway " and our package arrived last weekend.) Me, trying some of the new thing this morning: Morticia, also trying the new thing this morning ('cause if she isn't allowed her half, she me ows her fool head off!) : Ya know what?  WE LIKE IT!  HEY, MIKEY!  T o day's flavor was the Turkey and Cheddar.  Wonder what flavor we'll get tomorrow morning? Though MomKatt thinks that Morticia will be come very spoiled now and DEMAND Fancy Feast Cheddar EVERY morning from here on out! B een awhile, hope my peeps are all doing well and we all hope you have a happy Wednesday! Purrz! Selina  

MORE Foster Kitten Cuteness!

MORE of Ray Charles & Rachel by Nyghtfalcon Photograph y ! Ray Charles looking at his Halloween Laurel Burch Teaser ribbons: Princess Rachel holding court on her (appropriately purple) chai r throne: Ray's chin (or "Lessons in The Fingerpointing Obvious"  LOL): Rachel getting a treat for being ... her sweet self!  (Note how much brown is in her coat.  Ray's is the same way but you only see it in certain lights.  Makes them both look kind of sable-colored sometimes.)