
Showing posts from April, 2013

Word-y Wednesday - Breakfast! And Purrs For Furriends .. and Happy Administrative Prof's Day!

M orning Peeps! As you can see in the above picture, I breakfasted with MomKatt this morning (as I normally do, plus I was all over her in her chair at the dining room table, but she couldn 't get a piccy of me doing that 'cause I was ... well, all over her!).  She's reading Vol. 4 of that big Lyndon Johnson biography, and you can just see the edge of her breakfast plate there under the book.  So I decided to crunch some kibble while she read.  We're purr-f ect compani ons in the mornings! Also, we're sending out big purrs to little Milou, brofur to Texas, A Cat In New Yo rk , who's one of our b logging buds.  Milou's ha ving some trouble & isn't feeling well (urinary infection & in flamed intestines) so please, if you feel so inclinde d, stop by Texas' page & wish Milou a "get well soon". Isn't Milou handsome ?  :) Also purrs going out to Bhu's meowmy , who 's home from being in the h os-pi dd le brie...


My sisfur, Morticia, used to be quiet and unassuming.  But the last couple of years, she's become quite vocal (she's 8).  Mom Katt says it's because she's realized that one of the "perks" of get ti ng o l der (if indeed there ARE a ny) is realizing you can say whatever you're thinking and not give a damn! So here she is this morning, telling MomKatt she wanted morning gooshy goo dness! You all may not know this, but Morticia is VERY talented:  she even speaks English!  Well, she only knows one word, and she's saying it now, but when she DOES say it, her meaning is never in question .  Whereas when *I* say it, it comes out as just "MEOW", when Morticia says it, it comes out as "M E NOW! "  It always makes Mom&DadKatt laugh.  (Oh, and I guess that means she knows TWO words.  Well, cats c an't count , so don't blame me.) She's a professional charmer, too.  Morticia can work MomKatt over with those eyes.  D on...

ManKatt Monday - MUPPET DOWN!

OM C!   PEEPS! Today was supposed to be all about my b rofur, Peppers, 'cause it's "ManKatt Monday"  But I'm afraid it's gotten ... complicated. See, I just came upon these photographs in MomKatt's iP hone and I just don't know what to THINK.   They involve my DadKatt's childhoo d Muppet, Cookie Monster.  From this photograph, it's obvious that C ookie Monster is dead; he's not moving and there's no hand stuf fed up his butt. But why is he lying, dead, on OUR dining room floor? And why ... oh WHY ??? ... is Peppers sitting near to him?  Is he guarding the body?  Preserving the crime scene? Or . .. is the answer something f ar more sinister? I gues s this is a good time to say my MomKatt knows some good lawyers ...  * gulp* Oh Peppers !  How can you just LIE ther e like that, so ... so ... CASUALLY?! Can't you see he's DEAD? Oh kitties, I think I've stepped into some dystopian nightmare!  Could my b ...

Tummys & Teasers!

Peppers isn't the only kitty in my house with an appealing tummy. Boy is this teaser ever boring ... I wish someone would operate it. It won't wiggle itself, you know! Purrz! Selina


Hi peeps, To dispel any r umors to the contrary, I love my sisfur, Morticia.  See how much I love her?  I love her SO much that I want to share one of her favorite spots in our house with her:  the peeps' bathroom window! Though I suppose it's debatable whether SHE wants to share it with ME, right? Oh well ... In OTHER news?   GUES S what I got yesterday?  Go on, just guess.  Oh never mind, I'll tell you - after a good while of hinting and hinting, MomKatt finally gave me ... MY OWN PAGE ON FACEBOOK !  (Just click there to be ma gically transported. I'm taking over the Interwebz!) I'd appreciate it if you'd "Like" my page, if you haven't already.  If you have a page, and let me know, I'll "Like" you back !  'Cause I DO l ike you!  Each & every one of you. We hope everyone has a good weeke nd and, of course, w e hope things in Boston resolve themselves soon, and that our friends & readers there stay sa...

New pics!

Meowlo, peeps! New purr-spectives of moi!  Check 'em out! Our kitchen floor really makes my ebony fur s stand out (not to mention my golden eye). Hi MomKatt!  Boy, you're tall!  I'm gettin' a crick in my neck just looking up at you!   Think I'll tilt my head a bit - I get a better fo cus at this angle.   You love me, don't you, MomKatt? How 'bout I get up here so I can see you better? Now we see "eye to eye"!  :) Happy purrz, Selina  

Wordless Wednesday - Kibble!



Meowlo everyone. First, let me say that Selina and I are so glad and thankful that our blogging Aby buddy, JACOBY , and his family in Boston are OK and were not at the blast site yesterday. Today is a sad day .  The inevitable question one asks in these situations is, "Why?"  Wh ile there are many statements that one can make in an attempt to answer that q uestion, u nfortunately the truth is that there are no real answers.  At least, there are no ne that suffi ciently explain why some humans would want to kill or maim another group of humans, whom they do not know and ostensibly have no real quarrel with, to no outward, immediately apparent advantage to themselves.    A ttempting to explain yesterday's bombings (or any other act of ter ror ) by saying, "Well, there are bad people in the world", or "Some people just want to cause trouble " merely states the obvious.  In the end, whatever the reason given, none can adequately explain an eve...

Gotcha Day Signage

Just wanted to show ya'll the great "Gotcha Day!" sign that my Catster furriend, Ma nytoes, made for me.  He makes GREAT signs and he always remembers kitties' special days and sends them one commemorating whatever occasion the kitty is celebrating.  (He AND his sibs do sign s but, since Manytoes is a bl ack kitty, I think he especially looks out for us ebo ny beauties.) And don't you love the springtime touches, too? And this is Manytoes, showing WHY he's named Manytoes!  MOL  (On Catste r, the caption to this pic is , "STOP right there!")  He lives in New Mexico which MomKatt says is a very warm place far aw ay from NC.  He has 16 sibs - both dog s and cats - so he's got a VERY big furramily. Just click HERE to se e his Catster page!  H e's go t some nice pics there! B e en wondering if he has a girlfriend ... In other news, today is MomKatt's "Friday" 'cause tomorrow is one of her "fur-low" ...

On Another Note

We want to know if anyone's heard from our furriends Laura & Taffeta Rose ?  We have not in ages, and are concerned & miss them. Thank you. Selina & MomKatt Laura

Wordless Wed. - I'm BUSY!


It's a Special Day!

Morning peeps! Today is a special day.  Why?  Well, besides being my "Gotcha! Day", it's also my DadKatt's 55th birthday.  I'm proud that I get to share my special day with him. Here he is, in the pres ent he wishes MomKatt could get for him.  MOL!   So, in honor of the occas ion, I have to look my best; that's why I got started early this morning with a nice, refreshing bath! But it gets better:  seems my "Gotcha! Day" co incides with MomKatt breaki ng out ...  THE SANDALS! Yes, spring has finally sprung in NC and there's no better proof of that than the fact that your humble blogging uni ocular kitty gets to play, once more, with her favorite thing in all the wor ld: MOMKATT'S SUMMER SHOES!   Ye p, no doubt abou t it - gonna be a good day ! And tonight:  EXTRA TREATS & LOVINS! Ser iously, can you believe it's been two years since I arrived here a t the pawrents' house?  They can't.  M e neither, ...

Feeling "Boxed In"

Morning peeps! Yo ur regular blogging one-eyed beauty is back today!  I hope Morticia enjoyed wresting my blog away from me yesterday.   Oh well , it was a fair trade:  I let her blog yesterday & she allowed me to announce yesterday's birthdays on Catster in "Black Cats Crossing our Paths".  We could be onto something here ... I'm contemplating a creative partnership of some sort.   'Cause, late ly ... I have been feeling "boxed in" : As you can see, with ME, it's LITERAL! We hope you all have a great weekend - and hey!  Find a box & jump into it if you're feeling low.  I t's good for what ai ls ya! PURRZ! Selina    

Blog takeover!

Hi there, Nope.  I'm not Selina.  I'm her sisfur, Morticia, and I'm sneaking in to do today's blog post.  Plus, I have some new pics to show everyone so, while Miz Nut Job's having a kip on the sofa, I' ve bribed MomKatt into typi ng for ME . Contemplating a blog takeover?  Me?   Oh no.  I would NEVER do that.  ;-) Well, just for today. These photos are of me last Fri., Good Fri day.  MomKatt took the day off 'cause DadKatt was off that day, and she was work ing on her eBay a uctions p osting Steiff bears for sale. As you can see, I'm helping.  Do n't I look helpful?  I'm always a super-good kitty and never put a paw wrong (unlike SOME cats I could name ... gee, wonder who I'm talking about?)   In this picture, I'm saying, "MomKatt, are you SURE you want to waste this nice day sitting in a chair behin d that stoopid computer posting eBay auctions ?  Wouldn't you rather play with me and take my picture instead?...