Stuff N Things ...

Meowlo peeps! Just checking in. Nothing much to report from UniOcular Land. I continue to do better w/my poops, though I "scooted" on my butt a little on the carpet this morning after I pooped. :( No blood, however, which is a good thing. We are awaiting the arrival of some Forti-Flora for me to start taking, just to help the bacteria in my digestive tract stay nice & healthy - should arrive on Saturday. I sure hope MomKatt is right and I don't have to go back to the V E T until this time next year ... Oh! Holy Bast, I nearly forgot. Some mild Basement Excitement the other day! This was cornered (but not dispatched) by Boudicca in the basement the other night. DadKatt scooped it up on a piece of Tupperware (the most rigid thing close to hand) and dumped it out the basement door, while MomKatt Googled its image to find out what it was. Turns out it's a Northern Ringneck Snake. Sociable creatures, t...