For Everyone's Information ...
Regarding Rachel getting the feline leukemia shot at the vet's the other week, I did NOT ask for it to be administered: I asked only for the distemper shot for which she was due. NONE of my cats get the feline leukemia shot, nor does my vet recommend it for us, BECAUSE they are all indoor-only. I firmly believe in getting as few shots as possible for my babies (and so do Dr. B and Dr. L), and only have the ones necessary (distemper, rabies) administered to them when they are due. This was a miscommunication. This is the first "well kitty" exam Rachel's had since she was still considered a "foster kitten" last Aug., and the vet's staff was going by the copy of the shelter record that they had, when the shelter staff had indeed (and rightly so, since at that time she HAD been an outdoor kitty in that colony she was in) given her the feline leukemia shot. It was totally a mistake on their part, for which they've both apologized and refunded me th...