
Showing posts from August, 2014

For Everyone's Information ...

Regarding Rachel getting the feline leukemia shot at the vet's the other week, I did NOT ask for it to be administered:  I asked only for the distemper shot for which she was due.  NONE of my cats get the feline leukemia shot, nor does my vet recommend it for us, BECAUSE they are all indoor-only.  I firmly believe in getting as few shots as possible for my babies (and so do Dr. B and Dr. L), and only have the ones necessary (distemper, rabies) administered to them when they are due. This was a miscommunication.  This is the first "well kitty" exam Rachel's had since she was still considered a "foster kitten" last Aug., and the vet's staff was going by the copy of the shelter record that they had, when the shelter staff had indeed (and rightly so, since at that time she HAD been an outdoor kitty in that colony she was in) given her the feline leukemia shot.  It was totally a mistake on their part, for which they've both apologized and refunded me th...

Rachel Update

Well, here I am, peeps!   Though this is a slightly old photo of me (on the right) and Ray, it's just to tell you I'm doing better today & thank you all for your purrs & good thoughts.  MomKatt & I played "stick" last night, and I ate all my gooshy fud both last night and this morning.  MomKatt said she was SO glad that I was once more following her around the countertop in the kitchen while she fixed all our food, prepped Oliver's breakfast and then toasted her own (a bagel - Ray gets a little plate of three spots of melted butter.  Can you believe it?  Who's the REAL spoiled one around here???) Anyway, MomKatt told me she missed me SO much while I was upstairs hiding the night before.  I was still a BIT quiet this morning, but I WAS meowing some.  I didn't show my normal energy level playing "stick" after breakfast (and I WISH my brofur, Ray, would QUIT trying to whap me with that left hook of his!  MomKatt's afraid he...

Rachel Update

Meowlo Peeps! Rachel is a bit quiet this morning & didn't want her gooshy food or her L-Lysine treats.  When THAT cat is quiet ... well, you know something is up.  She got a feline leukemia shot yesterday that I don't normally get my guys because they are indoor only, so MomKatt's thinking that she's feeling a little punky from both that shot and the 3-year distemper shot she was due to receive. As for the coughing, Dr. L said he could not find a THING wrong with her (and praised how beautiful her coat was, said "She's the prettiest black cat I've seen in awhile!" and MomKatt replied, "Well, don't let Selina or Morticia hear you say that!").  The only thing he found was a tiny (and I mean TINY, like smaller even than the tip of your pinkie finger) little spot in her mouth on her right side in the back, right where her upper teeth end.  He confessed he didn't know what it was, and said he didn't want to start her on an antibi...

Whisper Wednesday - Someone's Gone to the Vet!

Hi peeps!  I know it's supposed to be "Wor dless Wednesday" today, so that's why I'm whispering.  How do you like my new picture? Well, anyway, I just thought I'd let you know that Rachel is at the vet's today.  I'm kinda sad; Ray's napp ing on the couch, so he does not want to play.  Peppers is asleep on the p awrents' bed, so HE does not want to play.  So here I am.  In Pink Bed.  I mean, little sisters are a hassle but she IS a good playmate. She should be coming back this afternoon. She's doing fine, but coughing.  MomKatt's been concerned about it, and the vet tec h t ha t took her in said it might be just an allergy.  MomKatt hopes that's it.  Plu s she was going to have to go in for her 3-year dis temper shot nex t Sat. anyway, so MomKatt figured just get all this over with today. We'll keep you posted.  Going to be quiet now. *sigh*  I actually miss the little shaver.  Who'd guess THAT? ...