Happy Birthday!
Mornin' Pe eps! This is my brofur, Peppers: His 6th birthday is today, so I thought today's blog should celebrate him. Happy Birthday, Peppers! Here he is, in our dining room in his big cat bed, enjoying a leisurely bathing session. This is him when MomKatt first met him, at the local PetSmart. ( T hat's her arm in the first piccy, there .) As you can see, he's a big guy (22 lbs) and the shelter folks had him in their largest cage! He wasn't too thrilled about it, MomKatt tells me. But she instantly felt sorry for him and attracted to his unde niable handsome manliness . It was obvious to her that he was very unhappy in the cage, and that he did not understand why he was there. When she petted him at first, he'd bite her a little, and exhibit some "restlessness" that threw up warning bells in her head. She told DadKatt that she felt, if he was in that cage much longer, he'd go on biting and becoming more frustrated ...